




海外のお馴染みレイドボス対策表を見てみんなが思うことは? ほんわかイラストの海外版伝説レイド対策表最新版が公開!ギラティナアナザーフォルム、オリジンフォルム対策で最も推されているポケモンは? 海外のギラティナ対策はDPS...




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99: 2024/05/05(日) 12:31:45.26
午前中がときどき曇りブーストかかってたからおさんぽおこうと欠片、しあたまを時の咆哮で2時間止めてタブンネの巣に行ってたら CP2200のガラルファイヤー出てきて金ズリハイボエクセで一発捕獲できたわ 砂も稼げたしとてもいいポケ活…

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Zacharyoppof より

Foul mouthed doctor loses deregistration appeal Guardian]

Ugly. Dr. Tashfeen Malik, a Florida nurse charged with “murdering” a Muslim couple for marrying Muslim men, is being accused of using her own medical training to promote radical Islamic terrorism. The couple, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, who were killed last year when police mistakenly shot their husband, Tashfeen Farook, were all US citizens of Pakistani descent, and were killed by Malik for their beliefs. Malik’s criminal past includes two counts of criminal sexual conduct (including forcible sodomy) and a charge of illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition. Malik is married to a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, Khizr Khan, and according to an article in the New York Daily News, the couple had been at odds with their Islamic faith because they believed that Sharia law should govern their lives. As a result, the Daily News noted, Malik was “at first a hardline religious right activist, and had joined the Muslim Coalition, a group that says Islam is the best answer to America’s “problem with Islam.” The couple had been working for a non-profit called the Family Research Council, which opposes same-sex marriage. This was the day before the shooting at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California.”

Peyton Manning was just a bad loser Review]

I’ll go so far as to say that Peyton Manning was a dick, but I am certainly not talking about that, in part because my friends are also the dumbasses who thought Manning was a loser. But even when his ass was hanging, Peyton Manning’s career was doing well. In fact, Manning’s career was so good, it had earned him a starting paycheck as high as $12 million in 2013, despite the fact that he played through injuries and had a concussion. Peyton Manning was, as it happens, a good guy, despite his failures. (Peyton Manning Is A DICK Is Just A Dumbass)

The “Muslim man-hating, gun-toting jihadist” was a fake racist York Times]

There is no difference between the Muslim who murdered a couple of white people for their beliefs and the Muslim who slaughtered a white cop in cold blood because his skin color was not white enough to get a visa for his wife and kids to go visit his Muslim wife. It’s called discrimination, and it’s a real thing.

The “Muslim killer is a bigot who didn’t get a visa to visit his wife’s Muslim mother”


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93: 2022/06/12(日) 11:22:12.26
96: 2022/06/12(日) 11:24:25.64
>>93 エースバーン とりあえず中央の基本を学ぶにはいいんじゃないかと

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458: 2024/04/12(金) 21:10:55.64
ジュンのヘラクロス、ちゃんとシンオウを一緒に冒険したって言われてて良かった あの頃戦ったヘラクロスなんだな…感慨深いぜメガ進化しちゃってよお
476: 2024/04/13(土) 12:33:20.99

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125:2020/12/15(火) 11:00:44.86


126:2020/12/15(火) 11:07:05.14


132:2020/12/15(火) 11:21:44.89

>>126 マウント取れるのはランキングだけだ…