



9月20日11時からポリゴンコミュニティデイが開催されます!イベント期間にポリゴンをポリゴンZに進化させると特別なわざ「トライアタック」を覚えます。 おんがえしとトライアタックを両立したいという声 192: ポケモンGO...




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Davidbrags より

Doubts over reports of cull of australian sheep in south-east


In an attempt to combat the threat of climate change and a shrinking herd of alpacas, officials in south-eastern Queensland say they are in the midst of an “anti-bullying” initiative.

An environmental group, the Queensland Council for Animal Welfare (QCAW), says the government’s decision to kill off its most popular alpacas will further increase the risk of climate change over a region where the numbers are still dwindling.

They fear it may cause more deaths than it saves.

Dr Brian Fongiello is a senior veterinary scientist with QCAW.

His research has shown the sheep will start to leave their breeding grounds after 10 years in captivity in the south-east.

“There will be a greater amount of alpaca leaving at 20 years, in the future it may be one or two per generation,” he said.

“That’s pretty much equivalent to the cattle population that is left, it might be in the single digits.

“It’s not ideal in that sense, it kills the species, it means fewer people in the world that want to have these animals.

“But we do get animals into our care more often.

“If we did not do this, they would leave sooner rather than later.”

What are the risks?

Climate change is the most widely debated aspect of the alpaca cull.

Mr Fongiello’s research shows alpaca calves in NSW will end up with 20 to 25 per cent less than they had before being culled.

Those with high fatality rates will receive the least amount of milk.

He said some researchers and the animal protection lobby had concluded that the cull would be needed to reduce Australia’s alpaca population by 40 per cent.

But the Queensland council says it is not necessary to reduce it because the livestock are healthier than ever.

“We know the herd is going to be more healthy than ever. The average age of an animal will be lower because they’re not going to give their calf too much milk, because they want to feed their calves, so they’re going to have the same population as they always have,” Dr Fongiello said.

In total, about 70 to 80 per cent of the culled sheep and alpacas will leave the land.

“They will be able to access a higher quality of life than they did before they left,” Dr Fongiello said.

But with temperatures in the area expected to rise, he fears the animals will only have to travel as far as the nearest town to access adequate water to survive.


Bruce morcombe backs bus stop safety call for safety of riders

The driver of the Greyhound bus caught using the stop has been asked to give the group a copy of the video and make a decision.

The video was filmed by one of the bus drivers, in the city of Newcastle on Monday, December 6, shortly after 11am and shows the driver hitting the window of the bus in response to a report of a potential passenger who appeared to be threatening the driver.

The video shows the driver, Michael McGovern, driving away from the scene.

On Facebook, Ms McGovern said: “It’s unbelievable. If he had seen my video I would have thought he was stupid.

“There would have been no panic or alarm at all.

“If he had seen the video of the passenger, as I saw he did, then he would have seen it clearly.”

The owner of the Greyhound bus, which stopped at the time for maintenance at the bus stop, has spoken to Mr McGovern about the video.

He said he took a phone call on Tuesday and “has asked him to look into it” and said: “I don’t know whether he has given a response yet.”

He added: “It appears that this incident has upset the bus drivers to the point of causing them to think twice about stopping at the bus stop.”

If you or someone you know needs help, phone 0808 800 1000.

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