



ポケモン最新作「Let’s Go! ピカチュウ・Let’s Go! イーブイ」とポケゴー連携決定! Switch版で発売が決定しているポケモン最新作はポケモンGOとデータ連携が可能。データ連携によ...




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691:09/25(金) 11:12:48.89

トリデプスとGマッギョ、明確な違い何かある? トリデプス使ってるけどGマッギョで良い気がしてきた

692:09/25(金) 11:19:58.22

>>691 そんな簡単な違いすらわからない雑魚はどっち使っても一緒じゃね

704:09/25(金) 12:12:15.05


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226: 2021/08/15(日) 05:17:17.94
260: 2021/08/15(日) 05:31:53.05
>>226 ひえー根性とモチベ凄いわ 尊敬する
299: 2021/08/15(日) 05:51:12.77
>>260 マスターになっ…

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741: 2021/03/07(日) 07:39:21.93
わいブイズ使い、ブイズ統一パでのモンボ級脱出を諦める ここしばらくモンボ級で死闘を演じてきたがもう無理や… さっきからゲージ増える→減る→増える→減るの繰り返しで心が折れた かといってブイズ以外は死んでも使わないと制…

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528: 2023/07/02(日) 21:44:34.83
お? 今ガチグマ進化いけるぞ

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Davidbrags より

Compo just part of stolen generations healing. “We’ve changed the history of the family. We’ve transformed the way it’s done and we’re going to continue to do that. We’re going to do it better.”

“We’ve changed the history of the family. We’ve transformed the way it’s done. We’re going to do it better.”

With an audience of 20,000 or so watching the final episode, you knew that the show had been a success. But where does the magic come from?

“Some of it comes from the talent. That’s always a big part of it,” says Gannon. “There are so many talented musicians on a music show. But at the end of the day there are performers that bring that magic back to the show. I think the key to this show is the audience that does the right things.”

This is a show of the kind Gannon’s heart can sustain. I love the idea that we’ve created here. I love the notion that the show has been such a gift to our communities and to our friends. And I love the notion that I can do it again for a million people.

But I’m also a bit torn. Will the talent continue to win out and fill the arena of the show? Or will it soon be time to say goodbye to the man who did this show from the comfort of his own couch?

“I don’t think it’s the show’s fault to go away,” says Gannon. “But at the same time I think it’s very important to continue to do what I do to help grow our show and continue to expand and get more diverse and do what you’re passionate about.

“To me, the thing that’s different now is when we do do a show. It doesn’t make you famous. I just enjoy it and I understand it because it’s not so much about celebrity. It’s about what we do and how the show is done. And it doesn’t mean that it’s better because it’s not.”

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Oroc renews weather radar push in the northern province of Oroc, a region that has seen heavy damage from the earthquake that hit July 11.

Two people, whose bodies were recovered, died in the search for them, police and rescue officials said in separate reports.

The quake shook Oroc. Hundreds were left homeless as homes are destroyed in the quake’s aftermath and schools and clinics shut down in the north-eastern province.

More than 4,000 people have been killed and 3.1 million have been affected, as well as more than 200,000 injured or missing.

More than 10,000 rescue workers were deployed in the region, and rescue operations were under way in the affected areas across the country.

The U.S. Geological Survey said Wednesday that damage near the epicenter of Monday’s quake “is estimated to be about 10 kilometers (6 miles).

“The epicenter is approximately 110 kilometers southeast (74 miles) north-south,” the USGS said.

President Obama said in a statement on Tuesday that federal officials had been monitoring the quake “for several hours” in Oroc before it struck, though it was not clear if this was part of the ongoing quake-monitoring effort.

He said the latest reports from the region suggested that the tremors and the aftershocks that followed, were smaller than the one that hit on July 9.

“The strongest earthquake that we’ve seen since the end of 2014 was magnitude 5.9 in January 2017. It was one of the biggest, and probably the most damaging,” Mr. Obama said.

In a separate statement, the USGS said it had sent four planes carrying two researchers to the region that evening. “This mission is ongoing and continues to assess the area,” said a statement from NOAA’s Alaska Volcano Observatory.

The Associated Press contributed to this report