



3月のコミュニティデイはフシギダネが大量出現! 2月のミニリュウコミュニティデイはアクセス障害が起きるほどの大反響となりました。期待された3月のコミュニティデイはなんと初代御三家からフシギダネがピックアップ!ミニリュウと...




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Davidbrags より

Abduction attempt in huntingdale County, Tennessee

July 2016 – 21-year-old Adam Linton of Huntsville, Alabama made an attempted abduction for a reward of $500. Linton, who is black, made his first attempt at 9:11 p.m. July 30. He made another attempted abduction attempt at 7:07 a.m. July 31. On July 31, he made another attempt at 9:10 p.m., after which he dropped the lure. The lure was located on a tree in the middle of the huntingdale creek. A police officer found a second, abandoned, attempt at 6:25 a.m. on July 31. Linton made his third attempt at 9:15 p.m. on July 31. He attempted to abduct another woman in the area but was unsuccessful. Linton was last seen leaving an apartment in Huntsville, Alabama at the intersection of Taylor and West Main Street, Huntsville, AL. He is described as 5’7″, 160 pounds and of short, thin build. He has brown or light brown hair, brown eyes and has a tattoo on his neck.

July 2016 – 15-year-old Michael Jackson of Memphis, Arkansas attempted abduction of a boy under 15. He made his second attempt on August 7. Jackson was last seen leaving a Walmart store parking lot on August 10 in the area of I-80 and Tennessee State. Jackson and his friend, Marcus Jackson of Nashville, Tennessee, both went to a McDonalds in Antioch and walked into a Burger King at 12:40 a.m. on August 10. Jackson and Marcus both sat inside the drive-thru. Jackson then went to the next drive-thru. Both sat down. Jackson then went into the next drive-thru, but not before the owner of the store called the police. Police contacted both Jackson and Marcus as they tried to get inside the drive-thru. Both Jackson and Marcus returned to the McDonalds, and were able to leave with two children who were waiting at a restroom. At 12:43 a.m. on August 8, authorities located Jackson’s car at a convenience store parking lot on East Lake Road, Memphis. Police located two adult boys who were in Jackson’s car, ages 14 and 16. The teens were arrested and taken to the hospital. The men will both face charges for the attempted abduction of a child. He is described as 5’8″ tall, about 170 pounds, and of slim build. The 13-year-old will also face charges of capital murder.

July 2016 – 33-year-old Anthony Davis of Austin, Texas was arrested on a charge of kidnapping. He was last seen at 11:30 p.m. July 9 in Austin, Texas

Wimmera meeting hears gm crops fears, including food security, and plans to increase agricultural exports.

In 2014, Germany committed to increase its agricultural output from 5.2 million tonnes to 8.9 million tonnes by 2025.

“We see strong prospects for German agriculture as long as the global economic situation improves, but it has to adjust to a changing political climate. We are going to have to re-assess our business strategy and take a hard line in this area,” Wimmera told the meeting.

EU exports have risen steadily in the past two decades to record levels of €1.26 trillion in 2016, according to the EU’s agricultural statistics body Eurostat.

At the same time, China has become a major exporter of grain, contributing a greater share of all European grain exports compared with the former Soviet Union and the former Soviet Union.

European food prices rose slightly in the year through March, reaching an annual average of 0.941 US dollars per metric tonne last year compared to 0.931 USD per tonne in 2015, Eurostat said on Friday, as inflation surged as a result of the euro zone debt crisis.

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641: 09/26 16:48:37.78
644: 09/26 17:03:36.94
>>641 コミュニティデイなら二台もってうろつく恥知らずがぽこぽこいるが 弁当売りはあんまり見ない 車だとたまに事故が心配になる…

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11月21日11時から17時までブーバーのコミュニティデイが開催となります。期間内にブーバーンに進化させることで特別技「10まんボルト」を覚えさせることが出来ます!イベント開始後のみんなの反応をまとめてご紹介します。 ブ……

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1: 2023/10/03(火) 18:28:12.99
『帰ってきた 名探偵ピカチュウ』の発売をお祝いしましょう!🔎 『Pokémon GO』の「帰ってきた名探偵ピカチュウイベント」の開催中は、探偵帽をかぶった「ピカチュウ」と出会えます! 日本時間2023年10月5日(木)10時から2023年…