



大好評で終了したフリーザーデイ!! フリーザーデイとコミュニティデイが同時に開催された8月4日は大盛り上がりの元終了!!来月はファイヤーデイに期待!! フレンド募集掲示板公開中! 誰でも気軽に書き込めるフレンド掲示板を公...




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946:08/16(日) 11:50:00.85

aが低いほうが強いって知らずにfff個体をスーパーハイパー用に使ってたんだけど これすぐに作り直す必要あるぐらいの差は出る? 技開放もしたからめっちゃ萎えてる

959:08/16(日) 11:57:33.50

>>946 3体目ノーガード対決 ミラー対戦くら…

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1: 2024/01/30(火) 05:51:08.47
これほんま始めてみた時笑った まんまヌメルゴン+メガニウムやん

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Zacharyoppof より


Jacqui lambie not in favour of revised welfare legislation which will only push more families into poverty”

He was responding to reports that the Coalition has been told by ministers its proposed changes would cost the federal budget $80 million in 2015-16.

Liberal Democrats deputy leader Jacinda Ardern said it was wrong for Ms Ardern to suggest she would veto the Government’s welfare bills.

“It is absurd for her to suggest that,” she said.

“I’ve never read a statement that her not having gone through the consultation process would not be good for a good outcome for the people of New Zealand.”

The Government has said that its plan will reduce poverty in the long-term while the cost of its reforms will remain the same – around $80 million.

But independent think-tank Demos said Ms Ardern’s words on welfare were false.

“The Government says it will have enough money in this budget to fund its welfare reform package of reforms for three years and that is probably the best indication it has given at this stage of its plan to cut welfare spending.”

Independent research revealed last week that welfare spending had been cut by about 15.4 per cent.

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Michaelteecy より

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1:2018/12/17(月) 10:50:48.23

ワイ「オトウット!一緒にポケモンカードやるンゴ!」 弟「はぁ・・・あのさあ別にニートでいるのは勝手だけどイライラさせんなよ」 ワイ「えっ」 弟「どんだけ能天気なん?」 ワイ「で、でも昔は一緒に楽しくやってた…